Computing Curriculum Intent
The intent of our curriculum is for all of our children to:
- Connect with learning through a relevant and reflective curriculum, which develops resilience and curiosity
- Connect with their community and consider themselves as unique individuals as well as global citizens
- Connect with others by developing respect and empathy
Connecting with learning
The ROTJS computing curriculum is designed to provide every child with the life skills they will need to be safe and confident when using digital technology. As technology evolves and becomes increasingly prevalent in today’s society, we understand the long-term benefits of digital literacy and want our children to be well-prepared for life in the 21st century – both at home and in the workplace. Computing is recognised as an exciting and popular subject amongst many children and therefore our role is to harness that excitement whilst making their learning purposeful and knowledge-based. As with all areas of the curriculum at ROTJS, we understand the need for learning to be fully inclusive and is therefore flexibly tailored to ensure all of the children’s needs are being met. Through a wide range of topics, we create memorable and meaningful learning experiences. Our computing curriculum is carefully sequenced and focuses on the progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science, information technology and online safety to ensure that children become competent in safely using and understanding technology. In line with metacognitive principles and ‘sticky knowledge’, these strands are revisited repeatedly through a range of themes during children’s time in school to ensure learning is embedded and skills are successfully developed.
Connecting with our community
In line with one of the key ROTJS values, ‘Be Unique’, we aim to help children to develop their individuality through computing. Our curriculum is shaped by our school vision which aims to enable all children, regardless of background, ability, additional needs, to flourish to become the very best version of themselves. We recognise that there is considerable scope for children to ‘shine’ in computing since the digital world is so vast and diverse. As such, we create opportunities for children to explore a wide range of topics – from the creative to the more technical. Online platforms allow children to explore and make connections within the global community. Therefore, we strive to support them in creating a positive digital footprint and become responsible digital citizens.
Connecting with others
We strive to provide children with a range of opportunities to use technology to communicate their thoughts, ideas and feelings. Children learn to express themselves and develop their thinking through technology, including through writing and presenting as well as exploring art and design using multimedia. Our school Be Values are integral to our computing curriculum with a particular focus on ‘Be Understanding and Respect Others’. As such, a significant portion of our computing curriculum is dedicated to e-safety which promotes safe online behaviour as well as providing children with a sense of moral and social responsibility with regards to their online conduct. Our goal is for all children to leave ROTJS having developed the skills needed as digital citizens to use technology to make positive contributions to the world.