RE Curriculum Intent
RE at ROTJS is based on 'The Agreed Syllabus for RE in Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire' (2021) which contains its own Statement of Intent:
RE provokes challenging questions about meaning and purpose in life, beliefs about God, ultimate reality, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. Teaching should equip pupils with knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews, enabling them to develop their ideas, values and identity. It should develop an aptitude for dialogue in pupils so that they can participate positively in our society which is diverse in relation to religions and worldviews. Pupils should learn how to study religions and worldviews systematically, making progress by reflecting on the impact of religions and worldviews on contemporary life locally, nationally and globally to increasing levels of complexity and depth. Pupils should gain and deploy the skills needed to interpret and evaluate evidence, texts and sources of wisdom or authority. They learn to articulate clear and coherent accounts of their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to have different views, values and ways of life.
Connecting with learning:
As a whole school community, we have developed a strong set of 'Be Rules' that lie at the heart of everything that we do at ROTJS. The children's understanding of these rules is built upon throughout our curriculum but especially in RE. Within lessons, children are encouraged to think deeply about their own beliefs, compare and contrast these to others within their class and those of different cultures and religions. Alongside this, children are taught to maintain a level of curious respect: to ask appropriate questions to develop their understanding and celebrate difference and ‘Being unique’.
Connecting with our community:
At ROTJS we recognise that our families may have limited opportunities to experience cultural diversity. Furthermore, we recognise that the City of Nottingham has a wealth of opportunities for children to experience and build an understanding of different faiths, values and beliefs. Therefore, to enhance children’s cultural capital, we ensure that places of worship are taught within the Nottinghamshire context and where possible visits are arranged to allow children to make relevant links between their own and others experiences. Children are taught about closely reflecting a broad and balanced understanding of faith, opportunities for this are planned into our RE curriculum to further develop children’s wider understanding of the world.
Connecting with others:
Our intentions for RE in our school are: to constantly build up our pupils' knowledge of religions and world views; to enable our children to debate 'big questions' respectfully, thereby fostering respect both for each other and for other customs and beliefs. Children should leave ROTJS with an eagerness to learn more about other people and places. Throughout their school journey, our pupils will be equipped with the necessary tools to express their own views whilst respectfully considering those of others.