Homework Expectations: How You Can Support Your Child at Home
Reading: Children are expected to read at least four times a week, as reading is the foundation for all other learning. These reading sessions should be recorded in their reading diaries and signed by an adult. To further support their progress, you can use the comprehension sentence stems available on the school website to strengthen their understanding of what they are reading. Please also take time to discuss new vocabulary and the content they have read.
Spellings: Spelling rules will be explicitly taught in class, with new spelling lists sent home in reading diaries on Fridays. These lists will be tested the following Friday. The spelling lists for each half term are also available on the school website. Additionally, children are expected to complete 10 games on Spelling Shed each week, set on a Friday and due by the following Friday.
Times Tables Rockstars: To strengthen their multiplication fluency, children are required to complete 10 games on Times Tables Rockstars weekly. This homework is set on Fridays and must be completed by the following Friday.
Homework Support: Any children who have not completed their 10 games or reading sessions by Friday will attend Homework Club during break time with a teacher. Thank you for your support in ensuring your child stays on track with their learning. 😊