Schoolcomms Online Payment System
We use a payment system called Schoolcomms for school meals, trips & messaging
We do not allow any debts on dinner money accounts. Please ensure your child's account is always in credit or we ask that you send them in with sandwiches.
Please refer to our parent debt policy regarding accounts in debt, see the link below to the policies page.
You will be contacted by text and/or phone call when your account has gone into debt, if the account continues to remain in debt we will ask that you to provide your child with sandwiches until the account has been paid in full. Should this continue to be an issue your child will not be allowed to take part in school trips.
School Meals cost £2.60 which a main meal and a pudding ( please see the menu for current meal options)
Please email the office team at if you have any questions regarding Schoolcomms and need help resetting your account.