Radcliffe on Trent Junior School Equality Objectives
1. To continue to employ staff on their ability to perform the designated role effectively.
2. To continue to treat all children and adults with courtesy, respect, integrity and dignity.
3. To continue to ensure all children progress and achieve with equality.
4. To continue to challenge any type of intolerant attitude, comment or action that undermines the value or dignity of others.
1. To ensure that SEND and disadvantaged pupils achieve challenging targets and the gaps in attainment for these pupils are reduced. Pupils to make good progress.
2. To continue to raise attainment of more able pupils throughout the school – provide challenge through teaching and curriculum provision.
3. To ensure that all pupils have access to extra-curricular activities.
4. To remain rigorously committed to challenging any prejudice related incident and to continuously review our curriculum to ensure inclusion and diversity are embedded.
5. To increase attendance for all disadvantaged pupils.
Protected Characteristics
At Radcliffe on Trent Junior School we prepare learners for adult life, equipping them to be respectful and responsible British citizens. We aim to develop their understanding, appreciation and celebration of diversity of the different protected characteristics defined by law.
Under the Equality Act 2010, people in Britain are protected from discrimination, harassment and victimisation. The Equality Act states that there are 9 protected characteristics;
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Marriage or civil partnership
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Pregnancy and maternity
The government does stress that not all these characteristics have to be taught in every year group and schools should use their professional judgement to plan their curriculum appropriately.
At Radcliffe on Trent Juniors, our curriculum is planned and delivered so that children develop age-appropriate knowledge and understanding during their time at school. Through a thorough PSHCE and RSHE curriculum and school assemblies, we teach our children about these issues.
Radcliffe on Trent Junior School comply with the public sector equality duty. For more details, see our Equality Policy which can be found on our policies page by clicking on the link below: