You can buy uniform with the school logo on from the supplier Kit Out (see details below), although it is not a requirement that children wear uniform with a logo on, and plain uniform can be purchased from supermarkets or high street stores. Uniform can also be purchased second hand, and our school PTA hold a number of second hand uniform sales throughout the school year.
We ask the children to wear:
- pale blue tops
- royal blue sweatshirts or cardigans
- grey or black skirt, trousers or school shorts
- blue checked summer dresses
- sensible black outdoor shoes. (Summer time - for health & safety reasons please do not wear open toed shoes)
PE kits should be brought into school every Monday and should stay in school all week.
Our PE Kit is as follows
- White plain T-shirt
- Black or navy shorts of an appropriate length
- sports trainers or plimsolls
Please label your child's name in all of their clothes and shoes.
We also recommend children bring their own water bottle in daily and tissues if they need them.
School uniform supplier www.kitoutclothing.co.uk
The website enables all Radcliffe Junior School parents and carers to buy and pay for uniform online and with a small charge. Kit Out will deliver your order direct to your home or to Burleys in the village for no charge.
Lost Property
Our lost property area is in the school near Oak and Elm class. Please feel free to come in and check these boxes before and after school. Please name your child's items as they are easier to return back to their owner.